Brandon Anschultz

Category: Painting

Nov 20, 2021

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8.5 x 11 paintings (2021 – ongoing)

8.5 x 11 inch paintings made in mid 2021 and onward…  I use a variety of materials:  mostly inks, acrylics, gesso, oil paint along with a variety of other media and processes.  The paintings are on panels, canvas and linen substrates that I meticulously fashion.

Mar 2, 2020

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8.5 x 11 paintings (2002-2020)

I started using the size 8.5 x 11 inches (the size of an average piece of paper) as my standard small painting size in 2002. Since then, I’ve made hundreds of paintings in this size. I began using this size as a way of working thru ideas, testing materials and perfecting processes.  Lately, my practice has been mostly focused on works of this scale.

May 3, 2014

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April/May 2014

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individual shots of work leading up to Suddenly Last Summer